2021.1--2023.1 太阳集团tyc4633 风景园林 博士后
2014.3--2020.6 哈尔滨工业大学 建筑学 博士
2016.10--2017.10 新加坡国立大学 建筑环境 博士
2011.9--2014.1 哈尔滨工业大学 建筑技术科学 硕士
2022.11-至今 太阳集团tyc4633 太阳集团tyc4633 副教授/硕导
国际学术权威组织Science Father颁发的2024年度国际最佳研究学者奖;
1. 国家自然科学基金:基于微气候提升与节能规划的严寒地区建筑集群形态优化研究(52208047 2023.1.1-2025.12.31) 主持在研 30万
2. 黑龙江省优秀青年基金:寒地城市绿地空间格局对碳固影响机制及碳汇预测研究(YQ2023E003 2023.7-2026.6)主持在研 10万
3. 中央高校基金重点培育项目:哈尔滨城市绿地景观格局对碳固影响机制及碳汇预测研究(2572023CT18-06 2023-2026)主持在研 14万
4. 中央高校创新人才科研启动基金:寒地低碳城乡规划关键技术研究(QG2020-17)主持在研 30万
5. 太阳集团tyc4633研究生精品课程与教材研究项目《人居环境科学与技术》主持在研 6万
6. 中央高校基金:寒地城市形态对住宅能耗影响及低碳规划策略研究(2572021BK02)主持 4万 已结题
7. 黑龙江哲学社科基金:《黑龙江韧性城市国土空间优化战略研究》(项目号:22JLB146)排名2 在研2万
8. 文旅部重点开放项目基金:基于人工智能算法的大空间建筑室内光环境智能寻优系统研究(排名2)已结题
9. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:严寒地区城市微气候调节原理与设计方法研究(课题编号:51438005 2014/1—2019/12)已结题
10. 黑龙江省科技攻关项目:低碳建筑表皮建构形态理论及技术节能应用(课题编号:GZ10A512排名4,2011/01-2015/12)已结题
11. 黑龙江省自然科学基金:大小兴安岭生态功能区城镇低碳化与建筑被动节能策略研究(课题编号:E201315,排名5 2011/01-2015/12)已结题
12. 十二五计划科学技术支撑项目:严寒地区绿色建筑关键技术研究(课题编号:2011BAJ06B04-2,参与2011/01-2015/12)已结题
[1] Peng CUI, Jinjian JIANG, Jie ZHANG, Lei WANG. Effect of street design on UHI and energy consumption based on vegetation and street aspect ratio: Taking Harbin as an example. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2023: 104484 (SCI Q1:10.70 中科院一区top)
[2] Peng Cui, Dawei Xva, Jingnan Tanga*,Jiaqi Lua, Yutong Wu. Assessing the effects of urban green spaces metrics and spatial structure on LST and carbon sinks in cold regions of China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024: 105659 (SCI Q1:10.70 中科院一区top)
[3] Peng CUI*, Jun ZHANG. Impact of urban morphology on outdoor air temperature and microclimate optimization strategy base on Pareto optimality in Northeast China. Building and Environment. 2020; 180(8): 107035. (SCI Q1:6.456 他引56 中科院一区top)
[4] Shiyu Li; Xvdong Yang; Peng Cui*; Yiwen Sun; Bingxin Song. Machine-Learning-Algorithm-Based Prediction of Land Use/Land Cover and Land Surface Temperature Changes to Characterize the Surface Urban Heat Island Phenomena over Harbin, China. LAND. 2024,13(8):1164(SCI Q2: 3.9)
[5] Peng CUI, Tingting LI, Zhengwei XIA*, Chunyu DAI. Research on the Effects of Soundscapes on Human Psychological Health in an Old Community of a Cold Region. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601) on 10 June 2022 (SCI Q1:4.614 Q1 )
[6] Peng CUI*, Chunyu DAI, Jun ZHANG, Tingting LI. Assessing the Effects of Urban Morphology Parameters on PM2.5 Distribution in Northeast China Based on Gradient Boosted Regression Trees Method. Sustainability. 2022, 14(5): 2618. (SCI、SSCI Q2:3.251)
[7] Peng CUI*, Jun ZHANG, Tingting LI. Research on Acoustic Environment in the Building of Nursing Homes Based on Sound Preference of the Elderly People: A Case Study in Harbin, China. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY. 2021.707457 (SSCI Q2:2.988 )
[8] Shuo CHEN, Peng CUI*, Hongyuan MEI. A Sustainable Design Strategy Based on Building Morphology to Improve the Microclimate of University Campuses in Cold Regions of China Using an Optimization Algorithm. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2021: 16. (SCI Q3:2.334 )
[9] Hong JIN, Liang QIAO, Peng CUI*. Study on the Effect of Streets’ Space Forms on Campus Microclimate in the Severe Cold Region of China—Case Study of a University Campus in Daqing City IJERPH. 2020, (SCI Q1:3.477 )
[10] Hong JIN, Peng CUI*, Nyuk Hien WONG, Marcel IGNATIUS, Assessing the effects of urban morphology parameters on microclimate in Singapore to control the urban heat island effect, Sustainability 2018; 10(1): P206. (SCI、SSCI Q2:3.251 他引85 )
[11] Huang M, Cui P*, He X, et al. Study of the Cooling Effects of Urban Green Space in Harbin in Terms of Reducing the Heat Island Effect[J]. Sustainability building environment, 2018.12(4).(SCI、SSCI Q2:3.251他引62 )
[12] Cui P*, Huang M. Studies on Building Entrance Cold Adaption Design and Structure in Cold Region - Take Harbin Institute of Architecture as Example[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2012, 226-228:2407-2411.(EI:20125215834712)
[13] MengHuang, PengCui*, HongJin. Research on the Winter Thermal Comfort of Librarys Atrium Reading Spacein Harbin Universities [J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(English version), 2014, 21(5):40-45.(EI:20145000325898)
发明专利:一种基于神经网络的城市森林三维结构监测方法(中国, CN202310921962.X.)
黑龙江省市场学会理事;市国土空间规划评审专家;教育部硕博论文评审专家;国家留学基金委评审专家;国家双碳生态战略智库专家;哈尔滨市社科人才智库专家;Building & environment, Sustainable Cities and Society等顶级期刊审稿专家。
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